15 сентября 2023 г. на 35-й Ежегодной конференции Европейской ассоциации эволюционной политической экономии в г. Лидс, Великобритания (The 35th Annual EAEPE Conference 2023 “Power and Empowerment in times of multiple crisis”, 13-15 September 2023, Leeds, UK) С Г. Кирдина-Чэндлер представила доклад The polycrisis: a methodological challenge for economics and possible response (Поликризис: методологический вызов для экономической теории и возможные ответы) The polycrisis: a methodological challenge for economics and possible response In the 2020s, the various crises faced by the countries of the world have intertwined into one, which has been called the “global polycrisis” (Lawrence, Janzwood, Homer-Dixon, 2022). Its distinguishing feature is that the causes of these crises, as well as their consequences, are deeply interconnected. Therefore, the study of the modern polycrisis within the framework of one discipline, no matter how advanced it is, is problematic. In other words, the global polycrisis, which needs to be studied, is a real challenge for modern social sciences. This also applies to economics. The paper discusses possible methodological responses to this challenge, among them pluralism;