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Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon (E.M. Forster)
2024-10-22, Tue

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Svetlana G. Kirdina

Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Candidate of Sciences (Economics)

Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics

Moscow, Russia


People say that I am one of representatives of the "third" generation of the Novosibirsk economic-sociological school, known by its traditions in the field of system studies of social objects, profound empiric research and continuous innovative searches.

I graduated from Novosibirsk State University (economic cybernetics faculty with sociological specialization) and defended my degree work under supervision of academician Tatiana I. Zaslavskaya.

Then I worked in the Department of Social Problems (headed by T.I. Zaslavskaya) at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, in Academgorodok, Novosibirsk.

In 1986 I acquired the degree of Candidate of Sciences (Economics) as a result of researches in the field of social-regional structure of the rural area of the Soviet society.

In 2002 I defended the thesis for a Doctor's degree in sociological sciences (Theory, methodology and history of sociology), having presented, the monograph "Institutional Matrices and Development In Russia", 2-nd edition to the committee of the Institution of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

My basic scientific interests lie in the field of social and economic theory, institutional researches, economic and political history of Russia, state functioning and state analysis of transformation processes in today's Russia.

I have been working on a macro-sociological institutional matrices hypothesis since 1990ies and consider it to be my most important achievement. It has been published in a number of books and articles,  and papers. My present work is dedicated to argumentation and verification of the hypothesis, the core of which is the presumption that the societal type of society is characterized by domination of institutions of either X- or Y-matrices. This fact determines the distinct ways of the states' evolution.

Both the statement of the institutional matrices' theory and the results of its application to analysis of transformation processes in Russia and other countries are given in a number of educational courses at universities from  Moscow and Saint-Petersburg to Novosibirsk and Vladivostok and In Ukraine and Belarus as well.  At the same time the concept is being actively discussed in scientific sphere, with many pros and contras being put forward.



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